87 research outputs found

    Guidance for the practical management of the heparin anticoagulants in the treatment of venous thromboembolism.

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a serious and often fatal medical condition with an increasing incidence. Despite the changing landscape of VTE treatment with the introduction of the new direct oral anticoagulants many uncertainties remain regarding the optimal use of traditional parenteral agents. This manuscript, initiated by the Anticoagulation Forum, provides clinical guidance based on existing guidelines and consensus expert opinion where guidelines are lacking. This specific chapter addresses the practical management of heparins including low molecular weight heparins and fondaparinux. For each anticoagulant a list of the most common practice related questions were created. Each question was addressed using a brief focused literature review followed by a multidisciplinary consensus guidance recommendation. Issues addressed included initial anticoagulant dosing recommendations, recommended baseline laboratory monitoring, managing dose adjustments, evidence to support a relationship between laboratory tests and meaningful clinical outcomes, special patient populations including extremes of weight and renal impairment, duration of necessary parenteral therapy during the transition to oral therapy, candidates for outpatient treatment where appropriate and management of over-anticoagulation and adverse effects including bleeding and heparin induced thrombocytopenia. This article concludes with a concise table of clinical management questions and guidance recommendations to provide a quick reference for the practical management of heparin, low molecular weight heparin and fondaparinux

    A catalog of bright calibrator stars for 200-meter baseline near-infrared stellar interferometry

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    We present in this paper a catalog of reference stars suitable for calibrating infrared interferometric observations. In the K band, visibilities can be calibrated with a precision of 1% on baselines up to 200 meters for the whole sky, and up to 300 meters for some part of the sky. This work, extending to longer baselines a previous catalog compiled by Borde et al. (2002), is particularly well adapted to hectometric-class interferometers such as the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI, Glindemann et al. 2003) or the CHARA array (ten Brummelaar et al. 2003) when observing well resolved, high surface brightness objects (K<8). We use the absolute spectro-photometric calibration method introduced by Cohen et al. (1999) to derive the angular diameters of our new set of 948 G8--M0 calibrator stars extracted from IRAS, 2MASS and MSX catalogs. Angular stellar diameters range from 0.6 mas to 1.8 mas (median is 1.1 mas) with a median precision of 1.35%. For both the northern and southern hemispheres, the closest calibrator star is always less than 10 degree away.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&A. The full catalog can be found in http://calys.obspm.fr/~merand/Files/MerandEtAlCatalogue.tx

    Uncertain times for oral anticoagulation therapy

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    Pharmacology of anticoagulants used in the treatment of venous thromboembolism

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    The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract Anticoagulant drugs are the foundation of therapy for patients with VTE. While effective therapeutic agents, anticoagulants can also result in hemorrhage and other side effects. Thus, anticoagulant therapy selection should be guided by the risks, benefits and pharmacologic characteristics of each agent for each patient. Safe use of anticoagulants requires not only an in-depth knowledge of their pharmacologic properties but also a comprehensive approach to patient management and education. This paper will summarize the key pharmacologic properties of the anticoagulant agents used in the treatment of patients with VTE

    Entwicklung, Bau und Erprobung einer standardisierten Holzkohle-Gaserzeugungsanlage zum Betrieb von Gas-Motoren mit 2-10 kW mechanischer Leistung (CHAR-G1) Abschlussbericht

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    The study analysed the question whether biomass is suitable for gas production in the third world despite the receding of vegetation in many countries and whether this is economically viable on a small scale and technically reliable. Results show that the plant studies in the analysis provides a reliable low-maintenance option if it is operated with charcoal. Economic viability and ecological compatibility of small-scale gas generator-motor systems can onlly be assessed if all specific conditions at site are taken into account. (orig.)Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde die Frage geklaert, ob trotz des Schwindens der Vegetation in vielen Teilen der sog. Dritten Welt die Verwendung von Biomasse zur Gaserzeugung technisch zuverlaessig moeglich, oekologisch vertretbar und im Kleinmassstab oekonomisch vorteilhaft sein kann. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die untersuchte Anlage zumindest fuer den Betrieb mit Holzkohle eine zuverlaessige und wartungsarme Variante darstellt. Generell zeigt sich, dass die Frage nach der Wirtschaftlichkeit wie auch der oekologischen Kompatibilitaet kleiner Gasgenerator-Motor-Systeme nur mit Kenntnis der spezifischen Standortbedingungen beantwortet werden kann. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F94B1427 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
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